Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Howdy Yall

John 1:40-41 "One of the two who heard John speak, and followed HIM (Jesus) was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (Which is translated, the Christ).

We don't hear near as much about Andrew throughout the rest of John's Gospel much less the Bible... however Peter has a great deal of influence both upon the other disciples as well as the early church. We so often read and consider Peter's triumphs as well as short comings and can be encouraged and amazed at how God used him in the book of Acts while Andrew seems to be missing... though he was not. It is interesting that Peter began to follow Jesus because his brother, Andrew, shared with him. His roll great or small, seen or unseen, effected the rest of his brothers life and ministry as well as the establishment of the NT churches. Don't hesitate to share with those whom you know about the Christ... Jesus. You never know what might happen or the influence you may have... after all Andrew was "just" his brother.

Christmas Lights

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Howdy yall

2 Tim. 2:22 "Flee also youthful lusts; but PURSUE righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."
I don't know anyone that can look me in the eye and say that they do not deal with temptation, in one form or another, each and every day. One of the most significant reasons why we seem to be so empty at times is that we are often are more worried about our temptation or sin than we are in love with our Savior. A follower of Christ is not to worry about the hurdles they may have to jump or the mountains left to climb... we are called to pursue righteousness, faith, love peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Pursue Him for He has overcome the world. Your brother in Christ,
David Ax

Invitation for the Christmas Dinner Theater

If you are as young as 65-100, we, the Jr. high ministry, want to invite you to come to our second annual Christmas Dinner theater! Come and enjoy an italian home cooked meal and a live performance of the Jr. High ministry that you will always remember. Contatct the Jr. High ministry if you have any questions!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Party

Joy to the world, the Lord is come! We have our Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 16th. It is going to start at 7pm. We are having an ugly Christmas Sweater contest with a price for the winner!! Also, dont forget to bring money to donate to Gospel for Asia, each year we try to raise money to make Christmas special for our brothers and sisters in Asia who are persecuted for their faith in Christ! For more info, contact the Jr. high ministry. See you there!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2010 Jr. High Winter Camp

Its that time again! We are now taking sign up's for our 2010 Jr. high Winter camp!! This year it is going to be at Big Bear Lake Chiristian Conference Center in Big Bear, California! Join us as we learn how to make Jesus be MAGNIFIED in our lifes! For more info see the Jr. high ministry!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Got Faith?... Resumes

Hey gang!! Friday nights resume tomorrow Nov. 6th... Dont miss out on this awesome opportunity that we have to get to know one another and get to know what Faith really is! Do you Got Faith?... for directions and more information contact the Jr. high ministry!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Free Concert at our Church!

Hey guys! Dont miss out on an awesome opportunity on this FREE concert! It is going to be October 21st, from 7-8:30pm... Come reay to rock out! Silverline can be heard on Air 1 or if you would like to hear them now click here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Got Faith?

Hey guys! Our Friday night Home fellowship's start up this Friday October 9th at 6p.m. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to get to know one another, and get to know what faith is... If you have any questions contact the Jr. high ministry!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pray for Daisy

Please pray for Daisy Love! Just this morning she went through surgery to remove a recently discovered tumor. Please pray for her and her family, as they will be finding out soon if it is cancerous or not. Also be praying for the recovery. For updates and more information, click here

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Got Faith?

Got Faith? We are starting our Friday night home fellowship. It starts October 9th going until Novemeber 20th! Join us as we look into Faith and what it is all about! For more info and for directions, see the Jr. high ministry!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

See You At The Pole

SYATP is about you- Students- asking God to work on your campus, in your friends and families. SYATP is about prayer- period. Talk to your Christian Club leader to make sure it what time its at your school! If there is not one happening, START ONE! See the Jr. high ministry or http://www.syatp.com/ if you have more questions!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Family BBQ!

Time to enjoy your family! On September 26th, we are going to be having our Jr. High family picnic! Its going to be an awesome time of BBQ'ing, Playing games, and a great time of fellowship! It is going to be at Altera Park, We will be providing the BBQ, and the drinks... Bring meat for your own family and your favorite side dish to share with everyone! If you have any questions... contact the Jr. High minsitry!

CCCar wash!

Hey Gang! We are hosting a car wash to support A Women's Care center! Come and help us out on September 20th from 1:30-3:30! Come ready to get wet and come with a heart to serve and wash!! if you have more questions, feel free to contact the Jr. High minstry

Jr. High Parent Meeting!

Jr. High parents! If you are interested about what is going on in the Jr. high ministry, then come join us on September 13th, 2009 at 1:30 in room w 200. We will be sharing our heart and vision for the ministry and feel free to bring all the questions you have. See you there

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Timothy's Corner

If you want a place where you can just sit in peace and study for school or sit and learn more about God?! We have a place just for you. It is our Timothy’s Corner. We are going to open it on September 10th and it will be open every Thursday from 3-5p.m. For more information see the Jr. High ministry!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Last Summer events!!

STAND! Hey guys we are having a guys Desert camping trip to end our summer right! We are going to learn how to stand as men amongst this crazy generation! It’s August 28th-29th. The price for this trip is only $25. For more info contact the Jr. High ministry! Guys it’s time to STAND!
If you’re a Jr. High girl and you want to get away for a day with your sisters and draw closer to God while learning about His love and His desire for you to stay pure… join us for Being God's Princess while staying Pure on Aug 28th-29th. Its $40 a Princess... Space is limited, so don’t let the clock strike midnight… For more info, please contact the Jr. High ministry

Friday, July 31, 2009

BIG dig

Hey yall!! The Jr. high and high school ministry have an awesome opportunity to offer all of you! Its a youth apologetics conference on August 8th! Dont miss out!! Last day to sign up is August 2nd! more info contact the Jr. high ministry...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Harvest Crusade

Come with us to the Angel Stadium on Saturday Aug. 15th to the Harvest Crusade! Enjoy bands such as Reliant k and Skillet and listen to Pastor Greg Laurie!

Beach Day

Do your fingers hurt from playing Xbox? Do your eyes hurt from watching way too much TV? Get out of your room and come enjoy the sun with the Jr. High ministry. Join us for our first beach day of the summer, August 6th from 11a.m.- 10p.m. Meet at the church and rides and dinners will be provided. More info in the Jr. High room.

Friday, June 19, 2009


In-n-Out from David Ax on Vimeo.

Sun’s out, birds chirping, it smells like summer! Feels like good time to hang out at the park… Join us Tuesday July 14th at Fairfield Ranch Park from 12-4p.m. its only $8! Sign ups in the Jr. High room. For more info see the Jr. high ministry

Hang- Out

School is over! Summer is here! Don’t hang out on your couch… Come hang out with us at our Friday Hang out night! July 10th, cost is only $5 Don’t miss out, see you there! For more info see the Jr. high ministry

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Time to have some Free finger licking BBQ, to slip and to slide, to bounce on moon bouncers, and to say "welcome" to the incoming 7th graders and "Peace out" to the 8th graders! For more info contact the Jr. high ministry… see you there!

"LIFE" (local outreach)

If you are in Jr. High or High School join us June 26th and 27th as we step into our local community and let our light be seen. How then shall the call on Hm in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written; how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things! For more info contact the Jr. High or High School ministry...hope to see you there!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Here we go!

Here we go! Tonight starts of our Friday home bible study through the month of May. Join us from 6:00pm-10:00pm as hang out, play games and take a deeper look at things like the rapture, the tribulation, the 2nd coming of Christ, Armageddon and more. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

2009 Summer Camp

Upcoming 7th and 8th graders, join us this summer as we head to the beach for our 2009 Summer Camp. This years theme is "Encounter"...we will be looking at the different encounters that people had with Christ. As we look at how Jesus reached out reacted and intervened with people like the pharisees, the blind, the handicap, the young and old as well as others our prayer is that you will encounter Jesus in a real, deeper and personal way. Don't miss out on this years camp...we are praying for you all.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Youth Service Project

Untitled from David Ax on Vimeo.

As we are called to humble ourselves, to be servants of all, to look after the widows and orphans and to look upon others with compassion it is so easy to think that we are the ones doing the blessing. May we not forget that it is God working through us to meet the needs of the body. Though the disciples dispersed the bread and fish in the feeding of the 5,000 it was Jesus who looked on the crowd with compassion, it was Jesus who prayed and multiplied the food and it was Jesus who sent the disciples out. May we not miss out on the blessing it is to serve others in the name of Jesus. We SERVE and awesome God...Keep Going!


Untitled from David Ax on Vimeo.

The book of Romans tells us that all of God's unseen attributes are clearly seen in all creation...if we will be still and begin to look around at what our creator has given us it becomes clear that He is faithful and powerful, a provider and sustainer as well as a little comical I think...Be still, look around, and know that Jesus is God.

Friday, April 3, 2009

"The Rapture and Beyond"

Jr. Highers! Join us Fridays in May for a special study on "The Rapture and Beyond" We will be getting together at a local house to hang out, eat, worship and take a look at some pretty amazing topics like the rapture, the tribulation, Christs 2nd coming, Armageddon and more. I hope to see you there!!! Directions are in the Jr. High room.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Break

Jr. Highers, join us during spring break!!! April 14th we are taking off to the L.A. Zoo to check out God's amazing creation, The "Youth Service Project" is going to be on the 15th and on Friday night, the 17th, we will be getting together to spend some time in worship. We would love to see you there! For more info see the Jr. High ministry...there is a deadline to sign up.

Youth Missions Trip

If you are in Jr. High or High School don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. June 2009 we will be taking a youth team down to San Jose Del Cabo to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with the local community. If you have never been on a missions trip don't wait any longer. For more info like meeting dates and cost see the Jr. High or High School Ministry. Please be praying for us as the clock is ticking!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Change of location for the "NIght of Prayer"

THE LOCATION HAS CHANGED TO THE ABOVE INFORMAION!!! Its not to late to join us this Friday from 6:00-10:00 as we get together to eat play games and spend some time in prayer before the Lord. Don't freak if you have never been part of a prayer meeting...even the disciples asked Jesus how to pray. Lets learn together and see what the Lord is doing!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Night of Prayer

Don't miss out as we gather together and direct out focus towards heaven for a night. There is nothing more powerful than God and no one more aware and able to meet our needs. Join us as we eat, play games and spend some serious time before the Lord in prayer. Directions are in the Jr. High room. (6:00pm-10:00pm $5 at the door)

Friday, February 6, 2009


If you are in Jr. High don't miss out on this years winter camp!!! If God is speaking why is it so hard to hear what He is saying? I would venture to say that often times it is because we have things, good, bad, or indifferent, in our lives that interfere with what God is wanting to do. As this years theme is "Static" come with us and learn to remove the noise and grow in your relationship with God. The cost is only $65 and we will be in the mountains from March 20-22. Don't miss out, sign ups, paperwork, and money are due by the 8th of March. Hope to see you there...I am praying for you!

Broom Hockey

Broom Hockey from David Ax on Vimeo.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Broom Hockey

Join us January 23rd as we bild our own ice cream sundays and go play broom hockey. Hope to see you there!!!