Thursday, February 19, 2009

Night of Prayer

Don't miss out as we gather together and direct out focus towards heaven for a night. There is nothing more powerful than God and no one more aware and able to meet our needs. Join us as we eat, play games and spend some serious time before the Lord in prayer. Directions are in the Jr. High room. (6:00pm-10:00pm $5 at the door)

Friday, February 6, 2009


If you are in Jr. High don't miss out on this years winter camp!!! If God is speaking why is it so hard to hear what He is saying? I would venture to say that often times it is because we have things, good, bad, or indifferent, in our lives that interfere with what God is wanting to do. As this years theme is "Static" come with us and learn to remove the noise and grow in your relationship with God. The cost is only $65 and we will be in the mountains from March 20-22. Don't miss out, sign ups, paperwork, and money are due by the 8th of March. Hope to see you there...I am praying for you!

Broom Hockey

Broom Hockey from David Ax on Vimeo.