Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Break

Jr. Highers, join us during spring break!!! April 14th we are taking off to the L.A. Zoo to check out God's amazing creation, The "Youth Service Project" is going to be on the 15th and on Friday night, the 17th, we will be getting together to spend some time in worship. We would love to see you there! For more info see the Jr. High ministry...there is a deadline to sign up.

Youth Missions Trip

If you are in Jr. High or High School don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. June 2009 we will be taking a youth team down to San Jose Del Cabo to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with the local community. If you have never been on a missions trip don't wait any longer. For more info like meeting dates and cost see the Jr. High or High School Ministry. Please be praying for us as the clock is ticking!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Change of location for the "NIght of Prayer"

THE LOCATION HAS CHANGED TO THE ABOVE INFORMAION!!! Its not to late to join us this Friday from 6:00-10:00 as we get together to eat play games and spend some time in prayer before the Lord. Don't freak if you have never been part of a prayer meeting...even the disciples asked Jesus how to pray. Lets learn together and see what the Lord is doing!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009