Sunday, August 22, 2010

Technology Fast

When God's people seek God great things happen... the question is are we spending time with Him? The typical thing that people fast from is food however i believe that our generation is just about as attached to technology as much as it is food. Fast from technology (Computers, texting, Facebook, video games etc.)with us from August 29th - Sept. 4th as we seek the Lord heart and will for our lives. Remember that you need to replace your time of with reading, worship, prayer or some type of seeking the Lord.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Worship Stock: August 27-28

Worship Stock from David Ax on Vimeo.

WorshipStock is only a few days away... Join us as we dedicate these 24 hours to worshiping the one true and living God. Remember if you sign up and pay by August 25th it is only $25, you can pay at the door but the cost will be $30. See you there!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Worship Stock

Soon and very soon it will be time to see the King!!! This is going to be 24 hours of our lives centered and focused on worshiping THE Savior. The cost includes all three meals, raffles, prizes, worship and more... don't miss out! For more info or to sign up come to the youth offices or Jr. high room at CCCH.

The Future Timothy's Corner

As we have set our sights on training up the next generation and teaching them how to rightly divide the Word of God the Lord has given us a new place to study. Here are a few pics of the future Jr. High room... specifically Timothy's Corner. Please keep the construction and ministry in your prayers... see you soon!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Creation Museum

Join us on August 17th as we head down to San Diego's Creation Museum to find out just how real the Bible is. Our Faith is founded upon fact... come and see!!! For more information contact the Jr. High Ministry.