Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jr High MP3 Teachings for sale!

Hey guys! We want to let you know that all of the recent teachings that we have been doing are available and for sale in the Jr. High Room. Each MP3 set is $5. You can download these teachings into your itunes library and then get them onto your ipod! So check them out and be blessed!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to Read the Bible

Here is a tool to use to help you read the Bible and apply it to your life. Go ahead and click the image if you need it to get a little bigger.

"Who Do You Say That I Am?"

This video is based on a question that Jesus asked His disciples. The question is , "Who do you say that I am?" So here are a group of responses of people in our local community answering the question. Once you have seen the video, the question is now posed to you. Who do YOU say that Jesus is?

If you look on the right hand side, you will see a link that is titled, "Is Jesus God?" Click it and you will get a ton of verses that answer that question.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Music, Bands, and Links

Hey guys,
Are there any songs that you would like to hear on our playlist? Are there any other bands that you would like to be added to our Band Links? Are there any other cool links that you like going to that we could add to our blog?
If so, please email david or joey so that we can check them out and put them on the blog.
David's email is ....
Joey's email is ...

email us and let us know

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Addison Road

Addison Road was the band that we saw this past weekend at Planet Wisdom. Their link is listed on the Band Links. Check them out!

Recycle Your Missionaries!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to remind you to be a part of the "Recycle Your Missionaries" ministry we have going on in the Jr. High. All of you can be involved in this. It is simple. Do you drink from water bottles, soda cans, sobe bottles, frappaccino bottles, etc? Simply bring them in. Please do bring them in a large trash bag. Please separate them accordingly. Thank you. Help us support these missionaries by simply NOT throwing away your trash and recycling it!

May Calendar

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Gang Hanging out

a recent photo of everyone hanging out during Equip & Share!


This will be one that you want to check out!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Today is the Day of Salvation

Today, Sunday, April 13 was a day that has come and gone, but for some their eternity has been changed. Before we get into that, I pray that each of you were blessed today with SHACHAH ( These guys have been good friends of mine for over 6 years now and it is truly amazing to see what the Lord has been doing in them and through them. They recently just signed on with Crossmovent Records ( and I am excited to see what amazing doors the Lord is going to continue to open up for them. Thank you SHACHAH once again for coming out and blessing us with some of your music and for the worship! We love you guys!
Luke 15:10 "Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." We praise the Lord today, for salvation has come to some of the within the Jr High Ministry. And we rejoice with the angels in heaven. This is truly the best decision that they have ever made. I want to encourage each of you to continue to pray for those who accepted the Lord today. May each of you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Pastor Joey

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Beesy Day

Just thought you might like to know what happens in the church courtyard during the week. Pretty amazing!

Testimonies or Praise Reports

Hello Everyone!
Do you have a powerful testimony that you would like to share? Do you have any praise the reports that will encourage other people? Why don't you type them out and email them to either David or Joey and then we can publish them to the blog spot. David's email address is ... and Joey's email address is ...
We look forward to hearing from you!

A Field White For Harvest!!!

A testimony from Lindsay Yim (Jr High Leader)...

I wanted to share with you all something amazing that the LORD did the other day…
I am enrolled in a History class at Chaffey and the teacher of my class had been my teacher before, about 3 years ago in another history class. The Lord had stirred my heart back then to share with him and I had a few opportunities to “let my light shine” in his class. We had talked years back about Jesus and he was one of the most critical people of the faith that I had ever met. He would spend his class time trying to convince anyone who would listen how Christianity was a ridiculous notion and that really we couldn't believe that their even was a God.
Fast forward to this semester – I picked up this class with the desire to share Jesus with this man. I have been praying for him this entire semester (which is about ¾ of the way over at this point). Again every class time he would talk about religion…every class! We talked about this religion and that religion and the LORD opened my eyes to the fact that this man was incredibly hungry for the Lord, the One True God. I was patiently waiting for the moment to share with him. God kept telling me to wait. Many times I would walk into class or stay after in hopes that I would have an open door. In fact the other day that I had purposed to go and share I walked up to class and it had been cancelled. I could hear the Lord whisper…wait. Finally, Wednesday the 8th, the Lord opened a huge door for me to run through. He was teaching about the Roman Empire. The last part of his lecture was about the effects of Christianity and the fall of the Roman Empire. He spoke of Jesus and Paul the Apostle and his final words were, “if anyone wants to stay today and talk to me about any of what was covered in class, please do.” Even though I had already purposed to talk to him before he said it, I knew the Lord was speaking to me… “Okay, Lindsay, he’s ready.” I walked to the front of the class, everyone had left and we talked. He pulled up a chair and for an hour I gave him Jesus. It was incredible! I opened my mouth and God filled it with words of knowledge and of wisdom. I was in complete awe of how awesome our God is. He took this man who was so critical, so bitter, so unbelieving and brought him to a place of lowliness and humility. He was so receptive; his demeanor was God-given. A soft heart, a wanting heart is filling this man right now…
I read that morning before I went to class in John 4. Jesus is telling His disciples, “Do you not say still four months and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” The harvest is here; the kingdom is near…the LORD speaks to us to say, “Ask, and I will give the nations to you…” O Lord, that is the cry of our hearts!!!!!
I wanted to share this with you all because this was a three or four year old prayer request of someone that I deeply desired to share Christ with and God brought it to pass. Also, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pray for Mr. Tidwell whenever you think of me or him. Thank you all!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

God is interested in Washing Machines!

You are probably looking at this washer and thinking, "Why do they have a washer on the blog spot?" Well there is a radical story behind all of it and I want you to know what is going on with it. As most of you know, we have those trash cans around the church property that have "Recycle Your Missionaries" logos on them. The whole purpose to these trash cans is to collect recyclable cans and bottles and in turn recycle them, get the money for them, and then support missionaries in some way shape of form through it. Throughout this time we have been able to help out some missionaries with fixing their car and have also been saving up to help the next missionary or missionary family. So here goes the story: A little over a month ago the Lord laid Edmund and Annie Coronel on my heart regarding the "Recycle Your Missionary" account that we had. So I called them up and asked them what would be on their wish list of things that they (as their family) and they (as the church) would need. I asked them to pray about it and get back to me. One of the main things that they needed was a new washer! And so below is the letter that Edmund Jr typed back to me and I thought that I would share it with all of you! So here it is:
Hey Joey, bro we are so stoked with our new washer, we had been looking around after you told us about the blessing you guys were sending us.We looked at one that we liked because it used the least energy but did the larger loads, which you know with kids is important to moms :0) Anyways there was another one on sale that week too but we know the money would not come in till the first of the month it was like 50 Euros cheaper but we had prayed and I remember you praying too 'Lord get them the best washer for their family for the best price' and sure enough we waited and trusted the Lord's timing and the one we liked went on sale 50 Euros cheaper so we ended up getting the better washer for a better price since the place we got it at was half the price for delivery and take away service of our old washer and dryer, this was also a blessing.God bless you and the Strong Foundation Ministry! We are humbled by your gift and give thanks to our God for loving us through you guys in this way,Edmund, Anne and Kids
Isn't it amazing how the Lord provides - He cares about every single detail in our lives. PRAISE THE LORD!

Friday, April 4, 2008

I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you a little update of what has been going on with Equip & Share on Friday Nights. So far we have had 3 meetings. We have covered the topics of: Why Evangelize, Spiritual Warfare in Evangelism, and Prayer in Evangelism in the devotionals. We have worked on the 4 R's of the Gospel, Romans Road, and the Bridge Illustration. We have two more weeks of training left before we begin to hit our Jerusalem with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For those of you that are not involved, please do be praying for all of those that are: that the Lord will continue to be preparing them for the work that He has for all of us as we go out into our community. For those of you that are involved, continue to be diligent in studying and memorizing those points and scriptures. Remember, these are all "tools" that you will be able to use from this point on as you go and and preach the Gospel.
We have also had a blast in playing Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee, and a couple of different basketball games on each of these nights. Guess what - the girls beat the guys once again in the basketball game.
Hopefully we will have some pictures to show all of you in the future with what has been going on on these Friday nights.
Peace out!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

National Day of Prayer - May 1st

Hey Everyone! National Day of Prayer is coming up on Thursday, May 1, 2008. We are going to be meeting in the grass area of the Chino City Hall to gather together to pray at 12 noon. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." With the days that we are living in, it is so important for us to gather together and seek the face of our God and ask Him to forgive us of our sins and heal our land. I personally want to invite each of you to join with me, as the youth of our community, to pray for our nation! I know that this is generally during school hours, so for those of you that can make it, please come, and if you are homeschooled, talk to your parents and see if you can come.