Saturday, April 18, 2009

2009 Summer Camp

Upcoming 7th and 8th graders, join us this summer as we head to the beach for our 2009 Summer Camp. This years theme is "Encounter"...we will be looking at the different encounters that people had with Christ. As we look at how Jesus reached out reacted and intervened with people like the pharisees, the blind, the handicap, the young and old as well as others our prayer is that you will encounter Jesus in a real, deeper and personal way. Don't miss out on this years camp...we are praying for you all.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Youth Service Project

Untitled from David Ax on Vimeo.

As we are called to humble ourselves, to be servants of all, to look after the widows and orphans and to look upon others with compassion it is so easy to think that we are the ones doing the blessing. May we not forget that it is God working through us to meet the needs of the body. Though the disciples dispersed the bread and fish in the feeding of the 5,000 it was Jesus who looked on the crowd with compassion, it was Jesus who prayed and multiplied the food and it was Jesus who sent the disciples out. May we not miss out on the blessing it is to serve others in the name of Jesus. We SERVE and awesome God...Keep Going!


Untitled from David Ax on Vimeo.

The book of Romans tells us that all of God's unseen attributes are clearly seen in all creation...if we will be still and begin to look around at what our creator has given us it becomes clear that He is faithful and powerful, a provider and sustainer as well as a little comical I think...Be still, look around, and know that Jesus is God.

Friday, April 3, 2009

"The Rapture and Beyond"

Jr. Highers! Join us Fridays in May for a special study on "The Rapture and Beyond" We will be getting together at a local house to hang out, eat, worship and take a look at some pretty amazing topics like the rapture, the tribulation, Christs 2nd coming, Armageddon and more. I hope to see you there!!! Directions are in the Jr. High room.