Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pray for Daisy

Please pray for Daisy Love! Just this morning she went through surgery to remove a recently discovered tumor. Please pray for her and her family, as they will be finding out soon if it is cancerous or not. Also be praying for the recovery. For updates and more information, click here

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Got Faith?

Got Faith? We are starting our Friday night home fellowship. It starts October 9th going until Novemeber 20th! Join us as we look into Faith and what it is all about! For more info and for directions, see the Jr. high ministry!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

See You At The Pole

SYATP is about you- Students- asking God to work on your campus, in your friends and families. SYATP is about prayer- period. Talk to your Christian Club leader to make sure it what time its at your school! If there is not one happening, START ONE! See the Jr. high ministry or if you have more questions!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Family BBQ!

Time to enjoy your family! On September 26th, we are going to be having our Jr. High family picnic! Its going to be an awesome time of BBQ'ing, Playing games, and a great time of fellowship! It is going to be at Altera Park, We will be providing the BBQ, and the drinks... Bring meat for your own family and your favorite side dish to share with everyone! If you have any questions... contact the Jr. High minsitry!

CCCar wash!

Hey Gang! We are hosting a car wash to support A Women's Care center! Come and help us out on September 20th from 1:30-3:30! Come ready to get wet and come with a heart to serve and wash!! if you have more questions, feel free to contact the Jr. High minstry

Jr. High Parent Meeting!

Jr. High parents! If you are interested about what is going on in the Jr. high ministry, then come join us on September 13th, 2009 at 1:30 in room w 200. We will be sharing our heart and vision for the ministry and feel free to bring all the questions you have. See you there

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Timothy's Corner

If you want a place where you can just sit in peace and study for school or sit and learn more about God?! We have a place just for you. It is our Timothy’s Corner. We are going to open it on September 10th and it will be open every Thursday from 3-5p.m. For more information see the Jr. High ministry!