Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Being a Light.

Hey guys... I just wanted to update you and let you know what the Lord has done with what you donated at our Christmas Party last month. Many people will be blessed and reached with the hope of the Gospel as well as food, clothing and tools to help them live life as they are persecuted for their faith in Christ. With what you donated we were able to send 2 pairs of chickens (which will be able to produce more chickens that can be sold or used for dinner... they also lay approx. 480 eggs per year) 2 pairs of rabbits (Rabbits can reproduce themselves up to 40 times a year... crazy amount of food or income). You also paid for 10 children to hear the gospel in their own language at a VBS in their own village, 3 Bibles (Both Old and New Testament), 3 instruments for those leading worship and 200 gospel tracts. Please be praying for those that face persecution for their faith in Jesus. Continue to be a light both to your community as well as the world. ACTS 1:8

Friday, January 15, 2010

Timothy's Corner

Timothy's Corner is alive and well... We took a break during Dec. but everything is up and running again. If you need a place to go after school for whatever reason feel free to join us every Thursday here at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills from 3:00pm-5:00pm. The computers and internet are still here for you... please know that the heart of Thursdays is to assist you in growing deeper in your walk with Christ. We are praying for you!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Howdy Yall

Lam. 3:22-23 Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They (His mercies) are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

This is potentially one of the most amazing verses in the Bible if it is understood correctly. Think about the last time you held a grudge against someone... maybe even yourself. Isn't it crazy how we feel justified and entitled at times to harbor bitterness when, if we were honest, it is quite the opposite of what God desires for our lives. When you read these verses something about God's heart is shown yet it is so easy to miss! "They (His mercies) are new every morning"... according to this God holds no grudges. Every time that the sun comes up God has cleared the sleight of all our failures and shortcomings. Every morning Jesus Christ looks upon each of us with hope, excitement, joy and purpose... One last thought, If there is anyone who would be entitled to withhold mercy it would be God, the only perfect and holy one that was slain though innocent so that we might have the opportunity to accept His gift of eternal life. However He seems to be the only one that extends to us an unfailing love and renewed mercy every day. Know that God is not disgusted or tiered of you but has looked upon you in this new day with a new and eternal love regardless of yesterdays mistakes... don't miss out on what Jesus wants to because we do not understand who He is, run to Him for He is waiting for you and wants you just as you are!