Friday, February 12, 2010

Howdy Yall

James 1:22 "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."

I don't think that i have ever seen a magician surprised by one of his own acts. Though he may be tricking or deceiving his audience there is never a moment when he doesn't know what he is doing. How gnarly is it that James tells us that if we know the Word of God, we know what we both should and should not , we hear the truth and do not do it we have deceived ourselves. It isn't Satan or the enemy... it's us. If you have heard often the truth of the Gospel and the Word of God and continue to remain a hearer only and do not apply it to your life be very careful, for you are tricking yourself.

One last thought; Some might say, "No way, no one does that", my question to you is...what made James write that down... more importantly, what caused the Holy Spirit to have James write that down? Was there just a blank spot left on the page that needed to be filled in with something or... where there people, are there people that continue to be hearers of the Word but do nothing with it? God's heart is that you would not be deceived... but its your choice, apply the Word and watch what happens. - Praying for you all!!!

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