Friday, April 9, 2010

New Series on Sundays and Wednesdays

There are many ways to describe a Christian and even more ways to explain what that means but one of the simplest and direct definitions is "Servant". Each and ever one of us that have accepted The sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf is to be a servant. Jesus Himself said that if you desire to be the greatest in heaven then you will be a servant to all. Join us on Sundays as we'll take a look at the "Heart of a Servant."

Eph. chapter 2 teaches that each and every one of use has not only been created but that we have been created with a purpose, 1) to know and follow Christ 2) To be used in a radical way by Him. He has not called us to a task in which He has not equipped us. The Gifts of The Holy Spirit enable a believer to serve the Lord and build up the body of Christ. The apostle Paul said that we are not to be ignorant of our gifts but find out what they are and to use them. Join us on Wed. nights as we begin a series in which we will take a look at "The gifts of the Holy Spirit."

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