Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Party

The season of snow falling, smoke rising from the chimney and hot chocolate is upon us but lets not forget what its all about... JESUS!!! Join us on Saturday Dec. 17th from 4:00-8:00pm as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. There will be games, gifts, dinner, worship and more. There is no cost for this but you MUST sign up no later than the 11th of Dec. Visit the Jr. high room at CCCH for more info. See you soon and Merry CHRISTmas!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Don't miss out on your opportunity to help provide a special dinner for families in need this Thanksgiving! All it takes is a little bit of time and a willing heart to serve others. For more information Click Here!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Camp Three-Fourteen (Jr. High Winter Camp)

The snow is about to start falling and its just about time to head off to Winter Camp. Join us as we go sledding, throw snow balls, worship and take a deeper look at Philippians Three-Fourteen and what it means to press towards the goal and the upward call of God. Starting November 6th you can sign up in the front office or online, click here. This years camp is only $165 and is being held from Jan. 27th-29th at Big Bear Lake Christian Conference Center. We are crazy excited and praying for you all!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday Night Hang Out

The Friday night hang outs are a great way to make new friends as well as grow in your relationship with the Lord. Whether you like to play games, meet new people, worship or just plain hang out, be sure to join us. Sign ups are not required, just show up and feel free to bring a friend.

Friday, September 9, 2011

4th Annual Dinner Theater

Don't miss out on your opportunity to serve during the Christmas season, become part of the team that will be hosting our 4th annual dinner theater for those as young as 65-100! We will need help with acting, live worship/music, decorating, lighting, serving/greeting, set design and more.

We go live on Dec. 10th at 5:00pm

Dress rehearsal on Dec. 9th at 6:00pm

Practices are on Oct. 9, 16, 23, Nov. 6, 13 and Dec. 4th from 1:45-3:30 in the gym

Christian Club Meeting

To any and all youth that want to make an impact on your campus this year we would like to invite you to the Christian Club Meeting on September 30th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. We will be meeting in the Jr. High room here at CCCH. Come with a note book and a willing heart. See you then.

Parent Prayer Meetings

Come and pray with us the first Sunday of every month. We will be praying for the local schools, youth, families, and more. We will be in the Jr. High room, E226, from 1:45-2:15... your children are welcome to join us!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 11 Service

CCCH 911 Service - Heroes from Shadowbox Productions on Vimeo.

See You at The Pole!!! Sept, 28th

Don't miss out on your opportunity to gather together at your school's flag pole and pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST!!! Sept. 28th is the day, spread the word on your campus and gather together all who are willing to make a stand. If you need more info or help check out or e-mail us at It has been said before, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Be the light!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Family Beach Day, Sunday August 21st

One last night out with the Family before school starts up again. Don't miss out on the food and fellowship... if you are a parent please come ready to pray over an share your heart with your children... no need to sign up, we will see you there!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Big Game!

Join us for an evening of fellowship as we close out our football camp with a game at the church. There will be BBQ, snack bar, games, and prizes. Admission is FREE so don't miss out! Meet us in the grass area at CCCH on August 9th from 6pm-9pm. Bring a friend and come ready for a fun night! (Event is open to everyone)

Harvest 2011

It's that time of year! Join us on Friday the 12th of August as we head off to the Harvest Crusade in Anaheim. Drop off is at 1:00pm at CCCH and we will be back to the church at 10:00pm. There is no cost but there is limited seating on the bus, so sign up in the Jr. High room soon! See you there!!! (You may want to bring money for dinner)

Movie Night Cancelled

Though our movie night has been cancelled join us on Friday the 12th of August as we head off to the Harvest Crusade in Anaheim. Drop off is at 1:00pm at CCCH and we will be back to the church at 10:00pm. There is no cost but there is limited seating on the bus. Sign up in the Jr. High room. See you there!!! (You may want to bring money for dinner)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Beach Day

Don't miss out on our last beach day of the summer!!! Join us on August 2nd from 12:30 -10:00pm for fun, fellowship and a bonfire. The cost for this event is $12 and includes transportation and dinner. Sign ups close on Wednesday the 27th of June so don't wait. You can register at church on online at

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Movie Night

Join us Wednesday night the 13th of July for our first movie night of the summer. We will be showing "Up" in the Jr. High room from 9:00pm - 11:00pm. There is no cost and free popcorn. Make sure you bring a friend that needs to see the Love of Christ! See you there.

Core Grooups

As we are called to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, we are also called to bear one an others burdens. In the core groups you will learn how to grow closer to the Lord, and how to encourage one another through every season of life. Don't miss out! The Core Groups will be meeting for 20 min. every Sunday immediately after the 2nd & 3rd services... Hope to see you there! If you want to join a group, you can sign up in the Jr. High Room.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Any Minute youth prophecy conference

Join us for our first ever youth prophecy conference July 8th and 9th. For more information click on

Beach Day

Summer has officially arrived, join us for our first beach day of the year. We will be going to Huntington Beach on June 30th from 12:30pm-10:00pm. Drop off and pick up will be here at the church. The cost is $12 and covers your transportation & dinner. All money is due no later than June 26th.

Hang Out

Join us on Friday Night June 24th from 5:00pm-10:00pm for our home fellowship/Hang Out. There will be games, food, worship and more. The cost is only $5 at you pay when you show up. There is also a pool there so be sure you bring your swim suit and towel. Location: 3539 Rawhide Ln. Chino, CA. 91710. See you soon!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

8th Grade going away event

Before you take off to High School come join us for a special night of worship. It is going to be an awesome night of worship, fellowship and a few surprises for you. There is no cost to this event, just show up. June 15th from 9:00pm-11:00pm, hope to see you there!

Hello Goodbye June 15th

If you are coming into Jr. High or leaving to High School we would love to have you join us for this years Hello Goodbye event. There is going to be food, games, entertainment and its all FREE!!! Join us in the grass area on June 15th from 12:00 noon to 5:00pm.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Summer Sports Camp

If you will be going into 6th, 7th or 8th grade this fall join us for our summer sports camp. We will be working on basketball, soccer and football skills as well has having some fun competitions and tournaments. The camps will be on Tuesdays throughout the summer from 9:00am-12:00noon. There is no cost but registration is required. For more info or to register please visit the front office or go to

Thursday, April 28, 2011

2011 Jr. High Beach Camp

The summer is almost here and Beach camp is on its way. Join us July 17th-21st as we head down to San Onofre State Beach for 5 days of fun, fellowship and a time to grow closer to the Lord. $185 includes your camp spot, games, all meals and a t-shirt however please note that transportation is not provided for this camp. For more information or to sign up please click here. Spaces are limited so don't delay!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Salt and Light

Dates: May 6th, 13th , 20th and 27th.
Cost: $10.00 (Covers all 4 weeks)
Be ready to get involved with some hands on projects that will bring light onto the world.
Matthew 5:13 - 14

Junior High Spring Break

Junior High Spring Break 2011 from Tim Murakami on Vimeo.

Tuesday April 26th BBQ, Games and "Jump Sky High" from 11:00am-5:00pm. Cost is $15 (includes admission and lunch)

Wednesday, April 27th 1) Equip and Share 10:00am-5:00pm. Cost: $5 (includes booklet and lunch) 2) Broom Hockey from 9:00pm-Midnight. Cost: $10 (includes transportation, snacks and drink)

Friday, April 29th Knott's Berry Farm from 8:30am-7:00pm. Cost is $30 (Food not included)

Registration is required so don't delay, you can sign up in the Jr. High room or online at (go to "online registration)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Passion of the Christ

Join us on May 15th from 6:00-10:00pm for the showing of "The Passion of the Christ." Admission is only 2 dollars but make sure that you have a permission slip filed out. The permission slip is required and can be picked up in the Jr. High room. See you soon!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Youth Fellowship

The week is over and school is out. Join us for a night of fellowship on Friday April 1st and 8th. If you want to meet new people or get plugged into the ministry this is for you. We will be getting together from 6:00-10:00pm... See you there!

Navajo Mountain Missions Trip

We have an awesome opportunity to be able to bring the gospel to the Navajo Nation. It will be an awesome way to be able to use the talents and abilities the Lord has given you to bring the Gospel to the Navajo People.
The first meeting will be: March 27th
The Trip is :August 11th - 17th

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Forward Motion

So often the Lord puts something on our heart that get us supper excited but also seems to fade out after a short time. Join us as we gather together around the things that the Lord has put on our hearts and help each other move forward with them. Whether is is evangelism, starting a prayer life, learning to study the Bible, needing to know how to deal peer pressure and more. Don't miss out on who God has created you to be, join us March 5th from 4:00pm-8:00pm, $5 at the door. P.S. Dinner is included.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Night of Worship

Join us on Friday, February 18th, from 6:00pm-9:00pm for a night of worship as we spend time face to face with our Savior. If you have ever wanted to know more about worship, the role it plays in the life of a believer, when and why we worship or anything else don't miss out! the cost is $5 and dinner is included. Hope to see you there.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Everyone WILL go to one of two places, Heaven or Hell. Be the light and show them the way

Strangers from David Midgen on Vimeo.

Missions Sunday

This Sunday, Jan. 9th, is Missions Sunday here at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. Join us and many of our missionaries from around the world as we gather together for worship and a special message that no doubt will be very missions minded. If you have ever wanted to talk to a missionary and see what it is like they will be here and available to talk with you between services. See you there and be ready, you never know what God might have planed for your life! For more info on missions here at Calvary go to