Friday, March 11, 2011

Navajo Mountain Missions Trip

We have an awesome opportunity to be able to bring the gospel to the Navajo Nation. It will be an awesome way to be able to use the talents and abilities the Lord has given you to bring the Gospel to the Navajo People.
The first meeting will be: March 27th
The Trip is :August 11th - 17th


Anonymous said...

How long are the meetings? And how many meetings can I go to before paying the $100?

Anonymous said...

when do the missions meetings end?

Anonymous said...

I was planning on going on the missions trip (God willing) and I lost my ABC salvation I haven't been able to work on it. Is there any way that I can get a new one?

Anonymous said...

I was planning on going on the missions trip (God willing) and I lost my ABC salvation I haven't been able to work on it. Is there any way that I can get a new one?