Sunday, March 9, 2008

Steadfast Winter Camp

1 Cor 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
What a weekend we had at our annual Jr High Winter Retreat! I pray that all of you who went were extremely challenged, encourage, and blessed! What an opportunity we had to get away for a weekend and to sit at the feet of Jesus and lay our lives before Him and ask Him to work in our hearts. As we discussed what the word STEADFAST meant to us in our walks with the Lord, we learned that in our walks with the Lord, we are going to encounter many different situations in our lives. We are going to go through Good Times & Dry Times. We are going to face Temptations & Trials. We are going to have to deal with Sin, Failure, and then experience the Grace of God. And we were finally challenged to GO LIVE IT! May each of you never forget what the Lord did in your heart on that weekend and may you continue to live a STEADFAST life in Jesus!
We love you guys and are continuing to pray for you!
Pastor Joey


Anonymous said...

Steadfast was awesome! I can't wait until next year's camp!

Anonymous said...

winter camp was sooo much fun! it challenged me in soooo many ways! i toatally want a rematch in screaming ninga's.. haley cheats lol!
--Alexa! ;-)

Anonymous said...

alexa, i do not cheat!! lol! i loved camp, it was very encouraging and brought me closer to the Lord, and my great friend alexa(jk, she is right here and wanted me 2 say something nice about her...)
-Haley :)

Anonymous said...

Winter Camp was defenetly the best camp i,ve ever been to!!!!!
God met me like he never had before ,it was inexplicable i was abel to enjoy some radical worship especially after Joey's message on saturday Night about God's beautiful Grace, seriously it'S God's kindness that leads us to repentance and what continuosly compells us to live for him is his everlasting LoVE REGARDLESS OF WHAT WE DO,HAVE DONE.OR WILL DO that's one of the greatest amazing truths i've ever discovered that God was abel to show me at camp.
Isn't our God just sooo matchless?!?So because of that let us continue to look unto him and be steadfast!-----Candice
p.s. Screaming ninjas was fun,and Alexa, i totally agree with Haley that she doesn't cheat i think u wanted her to let u win, which wasn't going to happen. lol Right Haley? any way haley was the 2nd person out in the haley is not so good after all. :)

Anonymous said...

candice,i'm gr8 at screaming ninjas:) jk jk, haha:) like i said, winter camp was soooo much fun and i learned a lot and grew closer to the Lord. thank you guys for such an incredible opportunity to grow closer to you guys, our friends, and above all else, our savior, Jesus Christ:)
--Haley :D