Sunday, March 30, 2008

Capture the Flag!

Hey everyone! For all of you who didnt make it to our Capture the Flag event, you definitely missed out! We had a blast playing some basketball, football, a relay race eating some grub, and finishing it off with Capture the Flag! One of the highlights during the day was the Girls vs. Guys basketball game. Pastor Joey and Matt Pendleton were helping out the girls on this one, and guess what - guys, do you know what time it is? it is slave time, because you just got owned! - the GIRLS won! And I am also proud to say that our team won the first game of Capture the Flag and the second ended in a draw! We want to say sorry to Lindsay, as she broke her ankle on this event. Keep her in your prayers! Well the next time we have a Capture the Flag event, you wont want to miss out!
See ya next time!


Anonymous said...

I know Capture the flag was sooooo........ much fun , especially since we were playing in the dark!!!
I'm sorry for Lindsay though :( I'll be praying for her.

shelby said...

What happend to Lindsay?!?!?
I'll pray for her 2!