Tuesday, April 8, 2008

God is interested in Washing Machines!

You are probably looking at this washer and thinking, "Why do they have a washer on the blog spot?" Well there is a radical story behind all of it and I want you to know what is going on with it. As most of you know, we have those trash cans around the church property that have "Recycle Your Missionaries" logos on them. The whole purpose to these trash cans is to collect recyclable cans and bottles and in turn recycle them, get the money for them, and then support missionaries in some way shape of form through it. Throughout this time we have been able to help out some missionaries with fixing their car and have also been saving up to help the next missionary or missionary family. So here goes the story: A little over a month ago the Lord laid Edmund and Annie Coronel on my heart regarding the "Recycle Your Missionary" account that we had. So I called them up and asked them what would be on their wish list of things that they (as their family) and they (as the church) would need. I asked them to pray about it and get back to me. One of the main things that they needed was a new washer! And so below is the letter that Edmund Jr typed back to me and I thought that I would share it with all of you! So here it is:
Hey Joey, bro we are so stoked with our new washer, we had been looking around after you told us about the blessing you guys were sending us.We looked at one that we liked because it used the least energy but did the larger loads, which you know with kids is important to moms :0) Anyways there was another one on sale that week too but we know the money would not come in till the first of the month it was like 50 Euros cheaper but we had prayed and I remember you praying too 'Lord get them the best washer for their family for the best price' and sure enough we waited and trusted the Lord's timing and the one we liked went on sale 50 Euros cheaper so we ended up getting the better washer for a better price since the place we got it at was half the price for delivery and take away service of our old washer and dryer, this was also a blessing.God bless you and the Strong Foundation Ministry! We are humbled by your gift and give thanks to our God for loving us through you guys in this way,Edmund, Anne and Kids
Isn't it amazing how the Lord provides - He cares about every single detail in our lives. PRAISE THE LORD!

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